The concept of hosted managed services is something you've likely read plenty about, yet you've relied on an in-house IT…
Sales Automation: Why is a CRM important for any business?
What is a CRM system? A CRM system is a customer relationship management system, often found hosted in the cloud. It takes a…
Businesses Should Update Their Website – Not Forget Them
Your business spent a substantial amount of time and money building the company website. Many companies think of their website…
How Should My Company Do Business Continuity, Backup and DR?
Technology applications, services, and hardware are moving faster and faster with more needed all of the time. Sales says they…
Responsive Website or Mobile Website – Which is the Better Choice
When it comes time to discuss website design & development for your business website, one topic that is bound to come up…
How Workflow Automation Improves Your Business Future
Workflow is an extremely important aspect in businesses when it comes to incorporating new technologies. Without an efficient workflow, the…
How Much of Your Business Can Cloud Storage Solutions Hold?
Businesses looking for cloud storage solutions without any prior knowledge of the cloud might assume the cloud has limitations on…
Cisco Report Reveals Data Security Vulnerabilities
Cisco recently released its Security Capabilities Benchmark Study as part of its 2015 Security Report. Researchers interviewed more than 1,700 CISOs…
Document Management Access While on the Go
Document management has been around for a long time as an independent IT solution, even though it's more recently consolidated…
Security Holes and Disasters Don’t Just Happen to Big Companies
Data security for small businesses might gain more attention this new year after seeing some of the dangers companies now…